The latest news from the world of JMH

Keep up to date! JMH regularly posts news, images and useful info from its companies here – interesting not only for employees but others, too.

Summer fruits for employees in Frick 🍌🍊

Thursday, 2. September 2021

We would like to give the employees in Frick a treat and offer them a healthy snack. For this purpose, we will fill up our Müller wooden trolley at the staff entrance with various fruits during one month! There are fine fruits such as nectarines, apricots, passion fruit, melons, etc. from the company Rodi Fructus AG from Möhlin.


Glacé event for all employees in Frick

Wednesday, 1. September 2021

Today, in this wonderful weather, there was a little surprise for all employees at the Frick site.

The Kunz glacé cart was on site and the employees could enjoy homemade glacé for refreshment! 🍦☀️


Welcome on board: Ramon Wendelspiess

Wednesday, 1. September 2021

Since July 1, 2021, Ramon Wendelspiess complements the Corporate Service Center of Jakob Müller Holding AG, which was created last fall, as Group Controller. Ramon Wendelspiess has already been working in the Müller world for 6 years and knows the work processes very well. He worked in the financial accounting and controlling departments of Jakob Müller AG Frick.

With his knowledge, he will support the financial processes of the various companies and promote their cooperation, as well as drive digitalization projects in the finance area.

The 25-year-old successfully completed… >>>