The latest news from the world of JMH

Keep up to date! JMH regularly posts news, images and useful info from its companies here – interesting not only for employees but others, too.

The EM protective masks from our TexMask GmbH are a big hit!

Thursday, 15. July 2021

Report from the Aargauer Zeitung:

Already almost 200,000 sold - the EM protective masks are currently the bestseller


The kick-off is this week - the EM is just around the corner!

Tuesday, 8. June 2021

For all those who have already chosen their favorite team, there's our "My EM Masks" with team flag available in the Texmask-store. And for undecided (homesick?) people from Fricktal, we have come up with a very special goodie!


Your world. Our technologies. - The new homepage of Jakob Müller AG Frick

Wednesday, 19. May 2021

Visit the new homepage of Jakob Müller AG Frick and see which technologies and solutions we offer for your world.
