The latest news from the world of JMH

Keep up to date! JMH regularly posts news, images and useful info from its companies here – interesting not only for employees but others, too.

The JMH supports the new Foxtrail in Frick

Tuesday, 5. July 2022

Since July 1, 2022 there is a Foxtrail in Frick. JMH supports this project with a sponsorship and is happy to have a station on the company area of Jakob Müller.

The trail can be booked via the following link: Foxtrail Jurapark

Report from the AZ: Opening Foxtrail



Smart textiles - Jakob Müller Group has the solution!

Wednesday, 11. May 2022

"Smart Textiles" offer great growth potential in a wide variety of areas such as medicine, mobility and fashion. A textile calculator, a heatable jacket of the UVEX brand or heated shoe soles, everything is possible and Jakob Müller will help you to implement it.

Do you have further product ideas? Then contact us, we will be happy to advise you on the possibilities of our technologies.

You can find more information at: NARROW FABRIC WEAVING SYSTEMS


International Museum Day 2022

Tuesday, 10. May 2022

Visit the Jakob Müller Museum this coming Sunday, May 15, 2022.

There will be guided tours at 10:00, 11:00, 13:00, 14:00 and 15:00, which will last approximately 90 minutes.

Admission is free. For more information, visit: International Museum Day 2022
