The latest news from the world of JMH
Keep up to date! JMH regularly posts news, images and useful info from its companies here – interesting not only for employees but others, too.
New appearance for Jakob Müller Immobilien AG
Friday, 17. December 2021
Jakob Müller Immobilien AG appears as of today in a new dress. The entire appearance of the company was revised and an own logo was created, which is based on the Jakob Müller Holding.
The new website can be found at the following address:
We are happy about the new and fresh appearance of our real estate company! 👏
National Future Day at Jakob Müller AG Frick
Friday, 12. November 2021
Jakob Müller AG Frick welcomed interested students at the national future day.
In addition to interesting insights into the company, it was a lot of fun for everyone involved and was a great experience.
The Jakob Müller team wishes the students all the best for their future careers.
Innovation is our passion - 70 years of Velcro fasteners
Tuesday, 26. October 2021
Back in 1951 the Swiss engineer Georges de Mestral invented the principle of Velcro fasteners. The transfer of this development to industrial production was then carried out in close cooperation with Jakob Müller AG. The product is considered to be one of the most important inventions of the 20th century and became an indisipensable part of our everyday life. Your world. Our Technologies !