The latest news from the world of JMH

Keep up to date! JMH regularly posts news, images and useful info from its companies here – interesting not only for employees but others, too.

New app for internal communication

Thursday, 3. December 2020

The companies of the JMH are introducing an app for internal communication at the beginning of December. The "Beekeeper" connects the more than 1000 employees around the world. Of course this step was also decided because of the current second wave of the pandemic. Stephan Bühler: "In these extraordinary times, it is particularly important that we reach all employees and strengthen personal exchange.


Mario Bruggmann now responsible for Global Supply Chain Development

Friday, 20. November 2020

"Transforming the supply chain of JMH into an agile ecosystem"

Mario Bruggmann joined JMH on November 1, 2020 as Head of Global Supply Chain Development. As an employee of the newly created Corporate Service Center of JMH, he is responsible for the management of the entire value chain of the JMH companies. In his role, he is responsible for checking the processes from purchasing from suppliers, through production and internal process management, to the delivery of the product to the customer. "Supply Chain Management is not a department, it is an… >>>

Owners Stephan Bühler and Reto Kuoni are the fifth generation to take the reins.

Wednesday, 18. November 2020

The generational change has taken place at Jakob Müller Holding AG based in Frick. Stephan Bühler and Reto Kuoni are the fifth generation to take over responsibility for the companies. Jakob Müller Holding AG includes Jakob Müller AG Frick, Benninger AG, List Technology AG, TexTrace AG and Jakob Müller Immobilien AG.

The generation change in Jakob Müller Holding AG (JMH) has been completed this year: Stephan Bühler and Reto Kuoni are now in charge of the traditional JMH based in Frick. Just like their predecessors, they have set themselves clear goals: to continue… >>>